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11 October —  Mitigating and adapting to climate change with grid infrastructure

Date: 11 October 2022
Time: 12:00pm ET
Location: Wean Hall 3701 & via Zoom
Speaker: Duncan Callaway
Topic: Mitigating and adapting to climate change with grid infrastructure

Abstract: Electric power systems are in an era of incredible change. In the 21st century, electricity systems are being tasked with relying on increasing amounts of renewable energy, powering new loads like heating and transportation, and keeping the lights on even as climate change makes that more difficult. They also face growing scrutiny from regulators, policymakers, and the public about how well they are meeting traditional goals for how they operate — safety, reliability, and cost-effectiveness — and new ones, such as sustainability and equity. Planning for these new realities increasingly requires critically evaluating how we plan and make decisions in the electricity sector. This talk will survey several projects that bridge technical and policy considerations in electric power systems, including work on integrating new technologies and loads on electric distribution grids, and on adapting to climate change.


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