Journals – 2012
Baptista, P. C.; Azevedo, I. L.; Farias, T. L., ICT Solutions in Transportation Systems: Estimating the Benefits and Environmental Impacts in Lisbon. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 2012, 54, 716-725. [Full Paper, doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.789]
Changala, D.; Dworkin, M.; Apt, J.; Jaramillo, P., Comparative Analysis of Conventional Oil and Gas and Wind Project Decommissioning Regulations on Federal, State, and County Lands. The Electricity Journal 2012, 25 (1), 29-45. [Full Paper, doi:10.1016/j.tej.2011.12.004]
Cooley, S. R., How Humans Could “Feel” Changing Ocean Biochemistry. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2012, 3 (3), 258-263. [Full Paper, doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2012.04.002]
Cooley, S. R.; Doney, S., Ocean Acidification. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Second Edition 2012, 1828-1834. [Full Paper, doi:10.1002/9780470057339.vnn124]
Cooley, S. R.; Lucey, N.; Kite-Powell, H.; Doney, S. C., Nutrition and income from molluscs today imply vulnerability to ocean acidification tomorrow. Fish and Fisheries 2012, 13 (2), 182-215. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2011.00424.x]
Doney, S. C.; Ruckelshaus, M.; Duffy, J. E.; Barry, J. P.; Chan, F.; English, C. A.; Galindo, H. M.; Grebmeier, J. M.; Hollowed, A. B.; Knowlton, N.; Polovina, J.; Rabalais, N. N.; Sydeman, W. J.; Talley, L. D., Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems. Annual Review of Marine Science 2012, 4, 11-37. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1146/annurev-marine-041911-111611]
Fertig, E.; Apt, J.; Jaramillo, P.; Katzenstein, W., The effect of long-distance interconnection on wind power variability. Environmental Research Letters 2012, 7 (3). [Full Paper, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/7/3/034017]
Fleishman, L. A.; de Bruin, W. B.; Morgan, M. G., The value of CCS public opinion research A letter in response to Malone, Dooley and Bradbury (2010) “Moving from misinformation derived from public attitude surveys on carbon dioxide capture and storage towards realistic stakeholder involvement”. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2012, 7, 265-266. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2011.08.015]
Grossman, W. D.; Steininger, K. W.; Schmidt, C.; Grossman, I., Investment and Employment from Large-Scale Photovoltaics up to 2050. Climate and Global Change 2012, 39 (2) 165-189. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1007/s10663-012-9185-8]
Halpern, B. S.; Longo, C.; Hardy, D.; McLeod, K. L.; Samhouri, J. F.; Katona, S. K.; Kleisner, K.; Lester, S. E.; O’Leary, J.; Ranelletti, M.; Rosenberg, A. A.; Scarborough, C.; Selig, E. R.; Best, B. D.; Brumbaugh, D. R.; Chapin, F. S.; Crowder, L. B.; Daly, K. L.; Doney, S. C.; Elfes, C.; Fogarty, M. J.; Gaines, S. D.; Jacobsen, K. I.; Karrer, L. B.; Leslie, H. M.; Neeley, E.; Pauly, D.; Polasky, S.; Ris, B.; St Martin, K.; Stone, G. S.; Sumaila, U. R.; Zeller, D., An index to assess the health and benefits of the global ocean. Nature 2012, 488 (7413), 615-+. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1038/nature11397]
Hittinger, E.; Mullins, K. A.; Azevedo, I. L., Electricity consumption and energy savings potential of video game consoles in the United States. Energy Efficiency 2012, 5 (4), 531-545. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1007/s12053-012-9152-z]
Hittinger, E.; Whitacre, J. F.; Apt, J., What properties of grid energy storage are most valuable? Journal of Power Sources 2012, 206, 436-449. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.12.003]
Irvine, P.; Sriver, R.; Keller, K., Tension between the objectives to reduce sea-level rise and rates of temperature change through solar radiation management. Nature Climate Change 2012, 2, 97-100. [Full Paper, doi:10.1038/nclimate1351]
Katzenstein, W.; Apt, J., The cost of wind power variability. Energy Policy 2012, 51, 233-243. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2012.07.032]
Klima, K.; de Bruin, W. B.; Morgan, M. G.; Grossmann, I., Public Perceptions of Hurricane Modification. Risk Analysis 2012, 32 (7), 1194-1206. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2011.01717.x]
Klima, K.; Lin, N.; Emanuel, K.; Morgan, M. G.; Grossmann, I., Hurricane Modification and Adaptation in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46 (2), 636-642. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1021/es202640p]
Klima, K.; Morgan, M. G., Thoughts on whether government should steer a tropical cyclone if it could. Journal of Risk Research 2012, 15 (8), 1013-1020. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1080/13669877.2012.686054]
Klinsky, S.; Dowlatabadi, H.; McDaniels, H., Comparing Public Rationales for Justice Trade-Offs in Mitigation and Adaptation Climate Policy Dilemmas. Global Environmental Change 2012, 22 (4), 862-876. [Full Paper, doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2012.05.008]
Krishnamurti, T.; Schwartz, D.; Davis, A.; Fischhoff, B.; de Bruin, W. B.; Lave, L.; Wang, J., Preparing for smart grid technologies: A behavioral decision research approach to understanding consumer expectations about smart meters. Energy Policy 2012, 41, 790-797. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.11.047]
Lueken, C.; Carvalho, P. M. S.; Apt, J., Distribution grid reconfiguration reduces power losses and helps integrate renewables. Energy Policy 2012, 48, 260-273. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2012.05.023]
Mashayekh, Y.; Jaramillo, P.; Samaras, C.; Hendrickson, C. T.; Blackhurst, M.; MacLean, H. L.; Matthews, H. S., Potentials for Sustainable Transportation in Cities to Alleviate Climate Change Impacts. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46 (5), 2529-2537. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1021/es203353q]
Mauch, B.; Carvalho, P. M. S.; Apt, J., Can a wind farm with CAES survive in the day-ahead market? Energy Policy 2012, 48, 584-593. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2012.05.061]
McClellan, J.; Keith, D.; Apt, J., Cost analysis of stratospheric albedo modification delivery systems. Environmental Research Letters 2012, 7 (3). [Full Paper, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/7/3/034019]
McDaniels, T.; Mills, T.; Gregory, R.; Ohlson, D., Using Expert Judgments to Explore Robust Alternatives for Forest Management under Climate Change. Risk Analysis 2012, 32 (12), 2098-2112. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2012.01822.x]
Michalek, J. J.; Chester, M.; Samaras, C., Getting the Most Out of Electric Vehicle Subsidies. Issues in Science and Technology 2012, 28 (4), 25-27. [Full Paper]
Michel-Kerjan, E.; Lemoyne de Forges, S.; Kunreuther, H., Policy Tenure Under the US National Flood Insurance Program. Risk Analysis 2012, 32, (4), 644-658. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2011.01671.x]
Moreno-Cruz, J.; Ricke, K.; Keith, D. W., A Simple Model to Account for Regional Inequalities in the Effectiveness of Solar Radiation Management. Climatic Change 2012, 110 (3-4), 649-668. [Full Paper, doi:10.1007/s10584-011-0103-z]
Patino-Echeverri, D.; Hoppock, D. C., Reducing the average cost of CO2 capture by shutting-down the capture plant at times of high electricity prices. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2012, 9, 410-418. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2012.04.013]
Patino-Echeverri, D.; Hoppock, D. C., Reducing the energy penalty costs of post-combustion CCS systems with amine-storage. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46 (2), 1243-1252. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1021/es202164h]
Popova, O.; Small, M. J.; McCoy, S. T.; Karimi, B.; Thomas, A. C.; Goodman, A.; Carter, K., Comparative Analyses of Carbon Dioxide Storage Resource Assessment Methodologies. Environmental Geosciences 2012, 23 (3), 105-124. [Full Paper, doi:10.1306/eg.06011212002]
Rehr, A. P.; Small, M. J.; Bradley, P.; Fisher, W. S.; Vega, A.; Black, K.; Stockton, T., A Decision Support Framework for Science-Based, Multi-Stakeholder Deliberation: A Coral Reef Example. Environmental Management 2012, 50 (6), 1204-1218. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1007/s00267-012-9941-3]
Ricke, K. L.; Rowlands, D. J.; Ingram, W. J.; Keith, D. W.; Morgan, M. G., Effectiveness of stratospheric solar-radiation management as a function of climate sensitivity. Nature Climate Change 2012, 2 (2), 92-96. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1038/nclimate1328]
Rose, S.; Apt, J., Generating wind time series as a hybrid of measured and simulated data. Wind Energy 2012, 15 (5), 699-715. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1002/we.499]
Rose, S.; Jaramillo, P.; Small, M. J.; Grossmann, I.; Apt, J., Reply to Powell and Cocke: On the probability of catastrophic damage to offshore wind farms from hurricanes in the US Gulf Coast. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2012, 109 (33), E2193-E2194. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1207542109]
Rose, S.; Jaramillo, P.; Small, M. J.; Grossmann, I.; Apt, J., Quantifying the hurricane risk to offshore wind turbines. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2012, 109 (9), 3247-3252. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1111769109]
Rubin, E. S., Understanding the pitfalls of CCS cost estimates. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2012, 10, 181-190. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2012.06.004]
Rubin, E. S.; Mantripragada, H.; Marks, A.; Versteeg, P.; Kitchin, J., The outlook for improved carbon capture technology. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 2012, 38 (5), 630-671. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.pecs.2012.03.003]
Rubin, E. S.; Zhai, H., The Cost of Carbon Capture and Storage for Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plants. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46 (6), 3076-3084. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1021/es204514f]
Sakti, A.; Michalek, J. J.; Chun, S.; Whitacre, J., A Validation Study of Lithium-Ion Cell Constant C-Rate Discharge Simulation with Battery Design Studio®. International Journal of Energy Research 2012, 37 (12), 1562-1568. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1002/er.2999]
Schlapfer, F.; Fischhoff, B., Task familiarity and contextual cues predict hypothetical bias in a meta-analysis of stated preference studies. Ecological Economics 2012, 81, 44-47. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2012.06.016]
Siler-Evans, K.; Azevedo, I. L.; Morgan, M. G., Marginal Emissions Factors for the U.S. Electricity System. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46 (9), 4742-4748. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1021/es300145v]
Siler-Evans, K.; Morgan, M. G.; Azevedo, I. L., Distributed cogeneration for commercial buildings: Can we make the economics work? Energy Policy 2012, 42, 580-590. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.12.028]
Thomas, B. A.; Azevedo, I. L.; Morgan, G., Edison Revisited: Should we use DC circuits for lighting in commercial buildings? Energy Policy 2012, 45, 399-411. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2012.02.048]
Traut, E.; Hendrickson, C.; Klampfl, E.; Liu, Y.; Michalek, J., Optimal Design and Allocation of Electrified Vehicles and Dedicated Charging Infrastructure for Minimum Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Cost. Energy Policy 2012, 51, 524-534. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2012.08.061]
Vignola, R.; McDaniels, T. L.; Scholz, R. W., Negotiation analysis for mechanisms to deliver ecosystem services: The case of soil conservation in Costa Rica. Ecological Economics 2012, 75, 22-31. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2012.01.004]
Yang, M.; Patino-Echeverri, D.; Yang, F. X., Wind power generation in China: Understanding the mismatch between capacity and generation. Renewable Energy 2012, 41, 145-151. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.013]
Yeh, S.; Rubin, E. S., A review of uncertainties in technology experience curves. Energy Economics 2012, 34 (3), 762-771. [Full Paper, doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2011.11.006]