27 September – Optimal Energy Storage System and Smart Switch Placement in Dynamic Microgrids with Applications to Renewable Energy Integration
Date: 27 September 2023
Time: 12:00pm ET
Location: Wean Hall 3701
Speaker: Xuan Wu
Topic: Optimal Energy Storage System and Smart Switch Placement in Dynamic Microgrids with Applications to Renewable Energy Integration
Abstract: Most renewable energy resources (e.g., solar and marine energy) is volatile and intermittent. Innovative operational technologies designed to enhance the resiliency of an renewable-integrated system are needed. Nonetheless, there are still limited studies in this regard. This talk will share how we close this gap by utilizing a dynamic microgrid (DMG) operational concept to accommodate marine energy resources (MRE) in distribution systems. We propose a DMG planning methodology that optimally places energy storage systems and smart switches so that a DMG integrated with MRE is warranted with proper resource adequacy and operational flexibility to vary network topology, both in the contingency and the normal operations. We use realistic case studies based on a real-world distribution network and the U.S. Department of Energy’s MRE dataset to verify the value and validity of the proposed work.
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