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4 May — Cost-effective transmission planning, co-optimization transmission with customer demand for renewable generation, and improving the efficiency of the system

Date: 4 May 2022
Time: 12:00pm ET
Location: Wean Hall 3701 & via Zoom
Speaker: Jennifer Chen
Topic: Cost-effective transmission planning, co-optimization transmission with customer demand for renewable generation, and improving the efficiency of the system

Abstract: The U.S. is about to ramp up electric transmission buildout, and that’s good news generally for clean energy. However, the way we plan transmission in relation to generation and load could be co-optimized, the efficiency of the grid itself could be improved, including reducing losses from various transmission components, and siting could better use existing rights of ways to mitigate impact to communities, sensitive environmental areas and cultural heritage sites. Further, transmission equipment itself could be improved to avoid leaking gases that are tens of thousands times greater than CO2 in global warming potential. What are some of the regulatory and other changes we could implement to better incentivize efficiency in building out power system infrastructure? We will discuss the problems and some ideas, some of which will be published in upcoming whitepapers with R Street Institute and the Clean Energy Buyers Institute.
