CEDM News: Recently Published Review on Ocean Climate Trends
“CEDM investigator Scott Doney and colleagues have recently published a review characterizing trends in ocean climate and discussing mechanisms by which climate and ocean acidification alter marine biological structure and function at the level of individual organisms, populations, communities and ecosystems. Three case studies are presented for polar ice-dependent systems, tropical coral reefs, and the California Current upwelling system.” The full piece can be found here:
Doney, S.C., M. Ruckelshaus, J.E. Duffy, J.P. Barry, F. Chan, C.A. English, H.M. Galindo, J.M. Grebmeier, A.B. Hollowed, N. Knowlton, J. Polovina, N.N. Rabalais, W.J. Sydeman, and L.D. Talley, 2012: Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems, Ann. Rev. Mar. Sci., 4, in press. doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-041911-111611
(Available online as “Reviews in Advance” from http://www.annualreviews.org/toc/marine/4/1)