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CEDM Seminar – Elaine Ulrich – 2/22/16 @ 12:00pm

Date: 2/22/16
Time: 12:00pm
Location: Wean Hall 3701 Conference Room
Speaker: Elaine Ulrich
Topic: Spatial Economic and Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Optimal Siting of Wind Power Plants

Seminar Announcement


The US Dept of Energy SunShot Initiative is a national collaborative effort to make solar energy cost-competitive with other forms of electricity by the end of the decade. How can the US reach this goal, and what role does the government in helping to make this happen? Maybe, even more importantly, if the cost goal is met – will it actually result in the wide scale deployment of solar technology in the US? By charting market evolution and technology innovation, SunShot is advancing and applying new branches of science to spur solar cost reduction. Big data, network science, behavioral economics, and social physics have emerged as powerful tools in the SunShot toolbox.