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Conference Proceedings


Horner, N.; Azevedo, I. L.; Sicker, D.; Agarwal, Y, Dynamic data center load response to variability in private and public electricity costs. IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid CommunicationsNovember 6-9, 2016, Sydney, Australia.

Tong, F. (speaker); Jaramillo, P.; Azevedo, I. L., Spatial analysis of air quality impacts from using natural gas for road transportation. The International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST 2016), May 16-18, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, US.

Glasgo, B. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Hendrickson, C., Assessing the value of information in residential building simulation. The International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST 2016), May 16-18, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, US.

Griffin, W. M., Should PA Subsidize Natural Gas? House Democratic Policy Committee, March 21, 216, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US.

Tong, F. (speaker); Jaramillo, P.; Azevedo, I.L., Spatial analysis of air quality impacts from using natural gas for road transportation. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting 2016, February 11-15, 2016, Washington DC, US.


Griffin, W. M., Role of Uncertainty in LCA: Evaluation of Corn Ethanol and Biodiesel GHG. Emissions Argonne National Laboratory, October 27, 2015, Argonne, Illinois, US.

Tong, F. (speaker); Jaramillo, P.; Azevedo, I. L., Spatial analysis of air quality impacts from using natural gas for road transportation. The 33rd United States Association for Energy Economics (USAEE)/International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) North American Conference, October 25-28, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Glasgo, B. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Hendrickson, C., Understanding the potential for electricity savings and assessing feasibility of a transition towards DC powered buildings. The 33rd United States Association for Energy Economics (USAEE)/International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) North American Conference, October 25-28, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US. (Poster Presentation –*won best poster award)

Kaack, L. H. (speaker); Apt, J.; Morgan, M. G.; Sherwin, E. D.; Azevedo, I. L., Introducing probability into energy forecasting. The 33rd United States Association for Energy Economics (USAEE)/International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) North American Conference, October 25-28, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Lamy, J. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Jaramillo, P.; Wiser, R., Optimal wind farm siting decisions in the Midwest. The 33rd United States Association for Energy Economics (USAEE)/International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) North American Conference, October 25-28, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Sergi, B. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Davis, A., The impact of climate change and air pollution information on support for CO2 emissions regulations. The 33rd United States Association for Energy Economics (USAEE)/International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) North American Conference, October 25-28, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Sherwin, E. D. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Henrion, M., US energy surprises have become more frequent: retrospective analysis of US energy forecasts. The 33rd United States Association for Energy Economics (USAEE)/International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) North American Conference, October 25-28, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Lamy, J. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Bruine de Bruin, W.; Morgan, M. G., Valuing NIMBY concerns about wind farms in Massachusetts. Behavior Energy & Climate Change Conference (BECC), October 18-24, 2015, Sacramento, California, US.

Tong, F.; Jaramillo, P. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L., The benefits of using natural gas for road transportation – a county-level analysis of reduced criteria air pollutants from natural gas use for light duty and heavy-duty vehicles. 8th Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, July 7-10, 2015, Guildford, United Kingdom.

Markolf, S. (speaker); Matthews, H. S.; Azevedo, I. L.; and Hendrickson, C. T., The implications of climatic temperature change and population growth on metropolitan greenhouse gas emissions. The Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Research and Education Conference, June 13-16, 2015, New Haven, Connecticut, US.

Markolf, S. (speaker); Matthews, H. S.; Azevedo, I. L.; Hendrickson, C. T., The implications of climatic temperature change and population growth on metropolitan greenhouse gas emissions. International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST), May 18-20, 2015, Dearborn, Michigan, US.

Seki, S.M. (speaker); Griffin, W. M.; Michalek, J. J.; Azevedo, I. L.; Hendrickson, C., An evaluation of potential Natural Gas to Liquid Fuel (NGLF) production processes with an estimate of cost in Pennsylvania. International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST), May 18-20, 2015, Dearborn, Michigan, US.

Tong, F. (speaker); Jaramillo, P.; Azevedo, I. L., The benefits of using natural gas for road transportation – a county-level analysis of reduced criteria air pollutants from natural gas use for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles. International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST), May 18-20, 2015, Dearborn, Michigan, US.

Glasgo, B. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Hendrickson, C., Understanding the potential for electricity savings and assessing the feasibility of a transition towards DC powered buildings using real load data. Engineering Sustainability 2015: Innovation and the Triple Bottom Line, sponsored by the Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation and the Steinbrenner Institute for Environmental Education and Research, April 19-21, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Markolf, S. (speaker); Matthews, H. S.; Azevedo, I. L.; and Hendrickson, C. T., The implications of population growth on climate action planning at the metropolitan level. Engineering Sustainability 2015: Innovation and the Triple Bottom Line, sponsored by the Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation and the Steinbrenner Institute for Environmental Education and Research, April 19-21, 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Horner, N.C. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L., Energy efficiency in data centers: moving beyond PUE. World Sustainable Energy Days Young Researchers Conference in Energy Efficiency, February 25-27, 2015, Wels, Austria.


Azevedo I. L. (speaker), Keep it simple to keep it cool: understanding the performance of energy and climate forecasts. INFORMS, November 9-12, 2014, San Francisco, California, US.

Tong, F. (speaker); Jaramillo, P.; Azevedo, I. L., A comparison of air emissions from natural gas pathways for road transportation. 4th Annual Energy Policy Research Conference, September 4-5, 2014, San Francisco, California, US.

Tong, F. (speaker); Jaramillo, P.; Azevedo, I. L., A comparison of air emissions from natural gas pathways for road transportation. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Shale Energy Engineering Conference 2014, July 20-23, 2014, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Posen, I. D. (speaker); Griffin, W. M.; Matthews, H. S.; Azevedo, I. L., Greenhouse gas mitigation benefits of expanding US biofuel incentives to promote biomass use in chemical feedstocks. Technology, Management and Public Policy Graduate Consortium, June 23-25, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

Tong, F. (speaker); Jaramillo, P.; Azevedo, I. L., A comparison of air emissions from natural gas pathways for road transportation. 37th International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) International Conference, June 15-18, 2014, New York City, New York, US.

Jenn, A.; Azevedo I. L., (speaker); Gillingham, K., An empirical study of driving behavior and vehicle rebound effects in Pennsylvania. Industry Studies Association, May 27-30, 2014, Portland, Oregon, US.

Min, J. (speaker); Azevedo I. L.; Hakkarainen, P., Assessing regional differences in lighting heat replacement effects in residential buildings in the United States. The International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST 2014), May 18-21, 2014, Oakland, California, US.  *Paper won paper award, 2nd place.

Jenn, A. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Michalek, J. J., Be careful what you ask for: how corporate average fuel economy incentivizing alternative fuel vehicles leads to higher carbon emissions. The International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST 2014), May 18-21, 2014, Oakland, California, US.

Posen, I. D. (speaker); Griffin, W. M.; Matthews, H. S.; Azevedo, I. L., Greenhouse gas mitigation benefits of expanding US biofuel incentives to promote biomass use in chemical feedstocks. The International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST 2014), May 18-21, 2014, Oakland, California, US.

Tong, F.; Jaramillo, P. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L., A comparison of air emissions from natural gas pathways for road transportation. The International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST 2014), May 18-21, 2014, Oakland, California, US.

Lam, L., Azevedo, I.L., Branstetter, L., The unsustainable rise of the Chinese wind turbine manufacturing industry. NBER conference on The Economics of Environmental Protection, February 14-15, 2014, China.


Meyer, R. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L., Smart rebates: targeting high-value energy efficiency improvements with smart-meter data. Behavior Energy and Climate Change Conference (BECC), November 20, 2013, Sacramento, California, US.

Horner, N.C. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L., Energy efficiency in data centers: PUE doesn’t measure what we care about. Behavior Energy and Climate Change Conference (BECC), November 20, 2013, Sacramento, California, US.

Jenn, A. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Gillingham, K., An empirical study of driving behavior and vehicle rebound effects in Pennsylvania. Behavior Energy and Climate Change Conference (BECC), November 20, 2013, Sacramento, California, US.

Griffin, W. M., Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Implications of Natural Gas Production and Use. Whitney Symposium 2013 Unconventional Fuels and Mining, GE Research, October 29, 2013, Niskayuana, New York, US.

Griffin, W. M., LCA and Uncertainty: Implications for Decision Making. CRC Workshop on Life Cycle Analysis of Transportation Fuels, October 15, 2013, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, US.

Griffin, W. M., Impacts of Shale Gas Production. Rochester Institute of Technology, October 11, 2013, Rochester, New York, US.

Jenn, A. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L., Do higher fuel efficient vehicles encourage worse driving habits? Western Energy Policy Research Conference, September 4-5, 2013, Portland, Oregon, US.

Jenn, A. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Fischbeck, P., How do we fund our roads? A case of decreasing revenue from electric vehicles. Western Energy Policy Research Conference, September 4-5, 2013, Portland, Oregon, US.

Min, J. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Hakkarainen, P., Analysis of the heat replacement effect (HRE) in residential buildings across the United States. 13th European/International Association for Energy Economics Conference, August 18-21, 2013, Dusseldorf, Germany.

Peña, I. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Ferreira, M., Economic analysis on the profitability of wind in Portugal between 1992-2010. 13th European/International Association for Energy Economics Conference, August 18-21, 2013, Dusseldorf, Germany.

Jenn, A. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Fischbeck, P., How will the adoption of electric vehicles affect transportation funding deficits in the United States? 32nd United States Association of Energy Economics, July 28-31, 2013, Anchorage, Alaska, US.

Lamy, J. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Jaramillo, P., Integrating wind resources: siting decisions in the Midwest. 32nd United States Association of Energy Economics, July 28-31, 2013, Anchorage, Alaska, US.

Peña, I. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Ferreira, M., Economic analysis on the profitability of wind in Portugal between 1992-2010. International Energy Workshop, IEA, June 19-21, 2013, Paris, France.

Jenn, A. (speaker), Blanco, C.; Chernicoff, W.; Michalek, J.; Azevedo, I. L., Trends in future vehicle fleet mix in response to CAFE standards using a nested optimization construct. Industry Studies Association, May 28-31, 2013, Kansas City, Missouri, US.

Popova, O. H.; Small, M. J.; Thomas, A. C.; McCoy, S.; Karimi, B.; Rose, S. Spatial stochastic modeling of sedimentary formations to assess CO2 storage potential: A case study for the Pennsylvania part of the Appalachian Basin. Annual AAPG Convention, May 19-22, 2013, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Jenn, A. (speaker); Blanco, C.; Chernicoff, W.; Michalek, J.; Azevedo, I. L., Automotive transition to sustainable technology mix, a response to CAFE standards. International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 15-16, 2013, Cincinnati, Ohio, US. *Paper won paper award, 3rd place.

Jenn, A. (speaker); Blanco, C.; Chernicoff, W.; Michalek, J.; Azevedo, I. L., Trends in future vehicle fleet mix in response to Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards (CAFE) using an optimization construct. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), February 16, 2013, Boston, Massachusetts, US.


Lamy, J., (speaker); Morgan, M. G.; Azevedo, I. L., Integrating remote wind resources: the role of energy storage. 31st United States Association for Energy Economics Conference (USAEE), November 4-7, 2012, Austin, Texas, US.

Jenn, A. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Ferreira, P., Impact of federal incentives on adoption of hybrid electric vehicles in the US. 31st United States Association for Energy Economics Conference (USAEE), November 4-7, 2012, Austin, Texas, US.

Izard, C. F. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Samaras, C.; Matthews, H. S.; Hendrickson, C. T., Winners and losers: estimating the regional variation in power plant turnover resulting from the timing of climate change policy. 31st United States Association for Energy Economics Conference (USAEE), November 4-7, 2012, Austin, Texas, US.

Thomas, B. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L., Direct and indirect rebound effects with Input-Output analysis. 31st United States Association for Energy Economics Conference (USAEE), November 4-7, 2012, Austin, Texas, US.

Min, J. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Michalek, J.; Bruine de Bruin, W., Energy labels increase demand for compact fluorescent bulbs: analyzing consumer preferences for lighting technologies using discrete choice analysis. 31st United States Association for Energy Economics Conference (USAEE), November 4-7, 2012, Austin, Texas, US.


Baptista, P.C.; Azevedo, I. L.; Farias, I. L., ICT solutions in transportation systems: estimating the costs, benefits, and environmental impacts in the Lisbon region. 15th Edition of the European Working Group on TransportationSeptember 10-12, 2012, Paris, France.

Jenn, A. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Ferreira, P., Impact of federal incentives on adoption of hybrid electric vehicles in the United States. European/International Association for Energy Economics Conference (IAEE), September 9-12, 2012, Venice, Italy.

Griffin, W. M., Coal-to-Gas: Uncertainty in GHG Emissions and Climate Impacts. Goldschmidt 2012, June 24-29, 2012, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Izard, C. F. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Samaras, C.; Matthews, H. S.; Hendrickson, C. T., The sensitivity of power plants retirements to the timing of climate change policy. Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology, June 17-22, 2012, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.

Thomas, B. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L., Direct and indirect rebound effects with Input-Output analysis. Empirical Methods in Energy Economics Workshop, June 7-8, 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Thomas, B. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L., Direct and indirect rebound effects with Input-Output analysis. Industry Studies Association Conference, May 29-June 1, 2012, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Peña, I. (speaker); Azevedo, I.L., The impact of feed-in tariff policies in wind diffusion in Portugal. Industry Studies Association Conference, May 29-June 1, 2012, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US..

Min, J. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Michalek, J.; Bruine de Bruin, W., Analyzing consumer preferences for lighting technologies using discrete choice analysis. Industry Studies Association Conference, May 29-June 1, 2012, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Jenn, A. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L.; Ferreira, P., Impact of federal incentives on adoption of hybrid electric vehicles in the United States. International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, IEEE, May 16-18, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, US. *Paper won paper award, 1st place.


Griffin, W. M., North American Natural Gas Production and Electricity Generation GHG Emissions Under Uncertainty. International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association Meeting – The Expanding Role of Natural Gas Comparing Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions, March 6, 2012, Arlington Texas, US.


Griffin, W. M., Marcellus Shale Gas: Greenhouse Gas Perspective. Polish PermRep Rue Stevin 139, October 4, 2011, Brussels, Belgium.

Griffin, W. M., GHG Emissions Associated with Marcellus Shale Gas and North American Natural Gas Production. Polish Embassy, September 14, 2011, Washington, DC, US.

Gouge, B.; Ries, F.; Dowlatabadi, H., Reducing the Health Impacts of Emissions from Public Transportation Fleets through Vehicle Scheduling Optimization. Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association 104th Annual Meeting, June 21-24, 2011, Orlando, Florida.

Azevedo, I.L. (speaker); Morgan. M. G.; Palmer, K.; Lave, L., How much will reducing greenhouse gases in the US residential sector cost? International Society for Industrial Ecology Biannual Meeting, June 7-11, 2011, Berkeley, California, US.

Blackhurst, M. (speaker); Matthews, H. S.; Sharrard, A.; Hendrickson, C.; Azevedo, I. L., Community-level energy and greenhouse gas benchmarking practices and implications for local sustainability programming. International Society for Industrial Ecology Biannual Meeting, June 7-11, 2011, Berkeley, California, US.

Izard, C.F. (speaker), Azevedo, I.L., Samaras, C., Matthews, H.S., Hendrickson, C.T., US electricity infrastructure flow analysis: how fast must we build? International Society for Industrial Ecology Biannual Meeting, June 7-11, 2011, Berkeley, California, US.

Wiesmann, D. (speaker); Rosado, L.; Niza, S.; Azevedo, I. L.; Ferrão, P.; Fernandez, J., Spatially resolved urban material consumption in the residential sector. International Society for Industrial Ecology Biannual Meeting, June 7-11, 2011, Berkeley, California, US.

Griffin, W. M., GHG Emissions Associated with Marcellus Shale Gas Production. Chevron Technology Center, June 8, 2011, Richmond, California, US.

Griffin, W. M.; Jiang, M.; Venkatesh, A.; Jaramillo, P.; Hendrickson, C.; VanBriesen, J., GHG Emissions Associated with Marcellus Shale Gas Production. International Society for Industrial Ecology, June 7, 2011, Berkeley California, US.

Abreu, J.; Azevedo, I. L.; Pereira, F, A contribution for a better understanding of the residential sector electricity demand. Proceedings of the European Energy Efficiency Council (ECEEE) Summer Study, June 6-11, 2011, France.

Siler-Evans, K. (speaker); Morgan, M. G.; Azevedo, I. L., Distributed cogeneration: can we make the economics work? Industry Studies Association Conference, May 31-June 2, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Azevedo, I.L. (speaker); Morgan. M. G.; Palmer, K.; Lave, L., The cost of reducing U.S. residential energy use and CO2 emissions. Industry Studies Association Conference, May 31-June 2, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Azevedo, I. L. (speaker); Venâncio, A., The impact of feed-in tariffs for renewable energy sources in the creation of green entrepreneurs: evidence from Portugal. Industry Studies Association Conference, May 31-June 2, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Griffin, W. M., Energy Rationale for Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Extraction and it GHG Impact. Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) Allegheny Mountain Section (AMS) luncheon, May 12, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

Griffin, W. M., The Energy Case for Shale Gas Production and its CO2 footprint. “Toward a Sustainable PA” Slippery Rock University, April 22, 2011, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, US.


Abreu, J. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L., Key aspects for the design of real time feedback programs – a perspective from experimental research. Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference, November 14-17, 2010, Sacramento, California, US.

Thomas, B. (speaker); Azevedo, I. L., Non-fungibility of consumer expenditures and the rebound effect. Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference, November 14-17, 2010, Sacramento, California, US.

Griffin, W. M., Policy Impacts of CO2 Emissions Timing and Uncertainty in Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Next-Generation Biofuels. University of Washington, Mechanical Engineering Department, November 5, 2010, Seattle, Washington, US.

Griffin, W. M., LCA: How Can We Use the Method and Get Real Value from the Results Within a Regulatory Framework. LCAX, November 4, 2010, Portland, Oregon, US.

Hagerman, S. M.; Satterfield, T. S.; Dowlatabadi, H., Climate Impacts and Biodiversity Conservation: Examining Evolving Environmental Values, Scientific Uncertainties and Policy Preferences. DISCCRS V2010.