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20 Feb 2017 – “Finding Common Ground When Experts Disagree: An Application to Publicly Funded Energy Technology R&D Portfolios” – Erin Baker

Date: 20 February 2017
Time: 12:00pm
Location: Baker 129 Conference Room
Speaker: Erin Baker
Topic: Finding Common Ground When Experts Disagree: An Application to Publicly Funded Energy Technology R&D Portfolios


Robust Portfolio Decision Analysis is a new approach to support decision making, especially public decision making, when there is significant disagreement among scientists or other experts. This approach uses a new dominance concept to eliminate bad alternatives; and it identifies actions which are good regardless of the individual expert judgment. This approach encompasses many other robustness approaches in the literature, such as robust optimization.  This method provides some insights when it is applied to the problem of choosing energy technology R&D portfolios.

Seminar Announcement