9 November — Enabling demand flexibility at scale: From DOE proposal to real-world implementation
Date: 9 November 2022
Time: 12:00pm ET
Location: Wean Hall 3701 & via Zoom
Speaker: Paul Hines
Topic: Enabling demand flexibility at scale: From DOE proposal to real-world implementation
There is broad agreement that flexible load and energy storage are essential to enabling power systems with large amounts of variable renewable energy. However, operating demand flexibility at scale will require two things: technology that allows aggregated DERs to deliver valuable grid services reliably, and business processes/incentives that enable customer adoption at massive scale. The first part of this talk will describe the Packetized Energy Management technology, which aims to address the first problem, and describe efforts to commercialize that technology. The second part will discuss lessons learned in trying to deploy at scale, both via a startup and now at EnergyHub. The last part will outline several possible future scenarios for demand-side management including the role of electric vehicles, customer batteries, and thermal storage.
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